Big Data CRM

Integrating big data analysis, tools, and techniques into customer relationship management (CRM) can help organizations radically improve customer service and enhance the customer experience. Explore the latest tools, news, analysis, and advice on big data CRM.


Tips for Auditing Your Company’s Data Privacy and Security Protocols

Amid a growing number of threats, data security protocols need to be put to the test often.

AI-Powered Dashboards Give Employees and Supervisors Real-Time Insight

The advent of work-from-home contact centers has spawned a tech revolution in operations management.

Tips and Technologies for Reducing Ad Fraud

New artificial intelligence algorithms can detect bogus or inflated ad traffic.

CRM Special Report: Vertical Markets Spotlight

A roundup of the CRM innovation taking place in eight important sectors.


Unlocking the Power of Intent Data

Intent data not only revolutionizes sales and marketing strategies by providing critical, timely insights into specific customer interests and behaviors, but its spikes can also depict major company decision-making in real time.

Trends in Revenue Intelligence: Boost Sales Teams’ Efficiency through Automated Data Capture and AI

Companies are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that automate the capture of all interactions and activities, seamlessly integrating them into CRM systems.

How CSOs Can Maximize Sales Analytics’ Impact

Leaders should start by establishing a clear vision and road map.

Experiential CRM: Designing Immersive Marketing Campaigns and Events

This approach aims not just to engage customers but to envelop them in the narrative and values of a brand.


The Business Case for Sales Technology Training

Your investment in sales enablement tools has to go beyond simply acquiring them.

How the GenAI-Metaverse Relationship Impacts CRM

The two technologies together lead to better sales, marketing, and customer service experiences.

Generative AI Is Everywhere, but Will Consumers Ever Fully Understand It?

Due to distrust and a lack of understanding, consumer adoption of genAI is lagging.

Achieving Trust in the Age of AI

Companies will learn that without enough precision data, mistrust of AI will persist.

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