Big Data CRM > Columns/Departments

Integrating big data analysis, tools, and techniques into customer relationship management (CRM) can help organizations radically improve customer service and enhance the customer experience. Explore the latest tools, news, analysis, and advice on big data CRM.

The Business Case for Sales Technology Training

Your investment in sales enablement tools has to go beyond simply acquiring them.

How the GenAI-Metaverse Relationship Impacts CRM

The two technologies together lead to better sales, marketing, and customer service experiences.

Generative AI Is Everywhere, but Will Consumers Ever Fully Understand It?

Due to distrust and a lack of understanding, consumer adoption of genAI is lagging.

Achieving Trust in the Age of AI

Companies will learn that without enough precision data, mistrust of AI will persist.

CRM Is Good, Even in the Bad Times

Some markets face an uphill climb, but that just makes investing in CRM even more crucial.

In a World of AI Co-Pilots, Who’s Ready to Fly the CX Plane?

The question of pilot (i.e., human) readiness has entered the AI picture.

Integrating CRM, AI, and the Metaverse

Futuristic-sounding customer experiences are now becoming reality.

Tips for Dodging AI Disasters

It'll take time to work through the learning curve.

Regular CRM Health Checks Are Critical

If CRM is your operational heartbeat, make sure it's healthy.

CX Pros Will See a Year of Post-Pandemic Push-Pull

With genAI on tap, 2024 will bring plenty of customer experience opportunities (and pitfalls).

GenAI’s Time Has Come. Are You Ready?

The hype is over, and the real work of making generative AI has begun.

The Various Roles of Sales AI

How are sales organizations actually leveraging artificial intelligence?

Sales AI vs. Traditional CRM

In the battle of ROI, which one wins?

AI: The Brain of Future Contact Centers

Contact centers are highly complex, and they need lightning-fast decision makers.

The 12 Major Risks of AI

Opportunities abound and optimism is warranted, but so is a degree of caution.

AI Profoundly Influenced Our Awards This Year

Just about every CRM vendor or service provider highlighted in our awards section as done something with generative AI.

AI Is Generating All the Buzz

Seventy-three percent of U.S. marketing professionals have reported using generative AI tools as a part of their work today.

Marketers Need to Embrace Personalization

ChatGPT: Looking Beyond the Hype

Companies need to start asking and answering questions now about their plans for AI

Generative AI’s Use Cases Are Already Emerging

ChatGPT has lit up imaginations, but the underlying technology is more than a shiny object.