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August 15, 2012

CRM Featured Articles

Voxeo and Presence Technology Partner on Hosted Contact Center Solution

Vendors partner to provide cloud-based, multichannel solution.

How to Bring the Digital Experience to Stores

Start with the "five Cs" of in-store marketing, analyst says.

Customer Service Adapts to Multiple Environments

But while customers embrace new channels, businesses have to catch up, Customer Service Experience speakers warn. Unveils Salesforce Communities

Now any company will be able to create private social communities to connect with customers and partners in entirely new ways

Social Can Yield Positive Results

As social media customer service channels increase, companies can convert interactions to sales leads, product ideation, and reduced contact center costs.


Deciphering the Data

In the world of consumer sentiment, all companies are different. Tips for choosing the right vendor for your needs.


AT&T Turns to Video to Cut Call Volume

Videos explain bills to customers so call center agents don't have to.

Reality Check

In Vino Veritas

Drinking in customer experience.