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March 24, 2010

CRM Featured Articles

Jive's Bright Idea

With Jive Ideation, the social business software provider integrates idea management into its portfolio.


Calling for Customer Experience Insight

Social media may be hot, but don't leave contact centers out in the cold.


CRM's Hearty Appetite

Mergers and acquisitions ramp up at the start of the new year as vendors expand roadmaps and look for ways to fulfill promises.


A timeline of the tumult: The industry's shaken, but that may be a sign that the something's stirring. Here's a chance to look at the big picture—and to remember that not all deals pan out as intended.

Drive-By Poaching

At least one analyst firm saw consolidation as an opportunity for creative recruiting.

Reality Check

Supporting the Service Channel

Customers can get support from a variety of sources. They only get service from you.