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October 09, 2013

CRM Featured Articles

Bad Contact Center Experiences Can Mean a Mass Customer Exodus

BT research confirms that customers will churn after just one bad interaction.

AvePoint Releases Pipeline Enterprise

AvePoint also updates AvePoint Productivity Suite to support metadata tagging of all Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity records.

Digimind Launches Social Media Monitoring Platform

Digimind Social offers a single tool for real-time discovery of true online presence, reach, and influence.

Semcasting Marketing Appliance Fuses Offline and Online Data Without Tracking or Cookies

The cloud-based Marketing Appliance helps with onboarding and appending data, running predictive analytics, creating reports, and managing data hygiene processes.

Contact Solutions Launches My:Time Mobile Customer Care Solution

My:Time Mobile lets customers start a service interaction, stop, and resume later at their convenience.

Magazine Features

CRM and Knowledge Management: Balancing Information and Insight

Companies are tying KM systems into CRM solutions to maximize understanding and use of internal resources, but the process can be onerous.


Positively Influencing Customers’ Emotional Interactions with Contact Centers

Contact service professionals can provide important insights into customer's emotional reactions to product purchases. Is your company prepared for the future of "emotionomics?"

Keys to Leveraging Social Analytics

Focus on personalization and differentiation.

Reality Check

CRM and Knowledge

All we know now is just a dress rehearsal.