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August 04, 2010

CRM Featured Articles

Welcome to the Interboom

CRM Evolution '10 — Day 1: Beagle Research Group founder Denis Pombriant details the three economic challenges that will forever alter CRM.

CRM Evolution 2010 Opens with a Bit of Yellin

CRM Evolution '10 — Day 1: Emily Yellin, author of Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us, shares some customer service interactions of her own, and reveals the secret of the karmic footprint.


From Deflecting Customers to Embracing Them

Six ways that the new Internet -- a mobile, social, and real-time Internet -- is changing the playing field for CRM and putting customers back in control.

Pint of View

These Awards Are Yours

Do you still want to eat the sausage after finding out how it's made?

Reality Check

Managing to Succeed

Sales reps seem to get most of CRM's attention—but what about their bosses?