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September 27, 2010

CRM Featured Articles

Oracle CRM On Demand Turns 18

Oracle OpenWorld '10 — Day 2: The latest version of the company's software-as-a-service application adds modules for "best-in-class" marketing and business planning as well as a preview of CRM technologies to come.


Try Being Unsocial with Customers First

You don't want social CRM. You want integrated customer intelligence.


A Tax on Every Call?

A proposed federal tax on overseas calls has the potential to radically alter the contact center industry.

Case Studies

Call Weighting

With ClickFox, Sprint takes an analytical look at its crosschannel customer experience—and saves millions in the process.

Secret of My Success

Tracking Touch-Tone Opportunities

Marketing services provider eMediaNode turns to ATG Call Tracking to better serve prospects and customers' customers.