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March 10, 2010
Recessions Make for Strange Bedfellows
03 Mar 2010
How the recession brought marketing and customer service closer together.
Make Use of Customer Feedback
05 Mar 2010
Enhance CRM with online feedback analytics.
Customer Centricity
Combine and Conquer
10 Mar 2010
Consolidation can benefit customers and companies alike.
CRM's Hearty Appetite
10 Mar 2010
Mergers and acquisitions ramp up at the start of the new year as vendors expand roadmaps and look for ways to fulfill promises.
10 Mar 2010
A timeline of the tumult: The industry's shaken, but that may be a sign that the something's stirring. Here's a chance to look at the big picture—and to remember that not all deals pan out as intended.
Who Analyzes the Analysts?
10 Mar 2010
The technology analysis industry has seen as much upheaval lately as the sector it covers.
Drive-By Poaching
10 Mar 2010
At least one analyst firm saw consolidation as an opportunity for creative recruiting.
CRM on Twitter: March 2010
10 Mar 2010
Analysts are an opinionated bunch—especially in the Twittersphere.