  • November 1, 2017

Yellowfin Releases Version 7.4

Yellowfin BI has launched Yellowfin 7.4, the latest version of its business intelligence and analytics software. Yellowfin 7.4 uses machine learning, human collaboration, and automation to help people get to why something happened.

"This represents a major step in solving the problems enterprises face in answering not only what happened, but why," said Yellowfin CEO Glen Rabie in a statement. "There are automation tools within Yellowfin 7.4 to accelerate decision-making across the organization, allowing people to get to why? faster. Combined with our new data transformation capabilities, Yellowfin 7.4 is a complete, end-to-end analytics platform."

Main enhancements in Yellowfin 7.4 include the following:

  • Automated insights that allow users to automatically discover why something happened.
  • Assisted data discovery that delivers the most relevant and meaningful results from queries. With these automated results, analysts can refine and interpret results.
  • Data transformation that allows users to do the most common transformation tasks and hook into web connectors like Salesforce.com and Google Analytics using a drag-and-drop graphical interface. The transformation tool can be completely integrated with most analytics platforms.

Additionally, Yellowfin 7.4 unites data-science models, corporate data, and the different business units together through one analytics platform. Yellowfin 7.4 also helps data scientists develop analytical applications faster, using app integrations like R, Python, PMML, PFA, and H2o.ai support.

"Automating insights allows both analysts and business users to work smarter and get to the answers they need faster. And the IT-oriented tools ensure that IT control access and governance, which results in more trustworthy data and better decision making by all," said Yellowfin Chief Technology Officer Brad Scarff in a statement.

For Yellowfin, this is the first major update to the platform in almost a year. Version 7.3 was released in November 2016.

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