  • August 21, 2014

Viralheat Integrates with SugarCRM

Viralheat, a provider of enterprise social media monitoring and management software, announced an integration partnership with SugarCRM. The company has also joined the SugarCRM partner program.

The integration connects Viralheat to the SugarCRM platform, enabling enterprise sales, marketing, and support personnel to leverage the social media interactions they are managing in Viralheat to create and strengthen customer relationships in SugarCRM. Viralheat's lead identification technology can identify social media mentions that show purchase intent and import these leads to SugarCRM.

The Viralheat-SugarCRM integration securely connects Viralheat users to their Sugar accounts, so they can create and manage leads harvested from their social media channels and generate activity records to track the lead through the sales process. This integration also includes the ability to export leads and assign a priority level for action by the appropriate sales or customer service agent.

Today's news comes on the heels of Viralheat's recent announcement that it has been granted patents for its proprietary sentiment analysis and lead identification technology, which uses natural language processing to determine sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) and buyer behavior. such as purchase intent.

"The continuous challenge for all B2B marketers is to identify prospects and engage with them as fast as possible — ideally within minutes of identifying a hot lead on social media channels," said Jeff Revoy, Viralheat's CEO, in a statement. "By connecting Viralheat with SugarCRM, sales and marketing teams can tap into social data and use the power of predictive social analytics to boost sales and customer engagement."

The new SugarCRM integration is available on all Viralheat enterprise plans.

The company also recently announced integrations with Salesforce.com's Desk.com platform and Zendesk.

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