SpeechStorm's New App Provides Insights Into IVR Usage
SpeechStorm, a provider of phone-based and mobile customer service solutions, has announced the latest release of its software, code-named Fellini. The application contains a Customer Journeys module to display the end-to-end paths taken by customers through IVR and self-service applications.
Fully integrated with SpeechStorm's pre-built self-service applications, Customer Journeys automatically tracks the path taken by every customer using the IVR. These individual paths can then be summarized for a selected period - days, weeks or months - into tables and graphical journey maps showing the most popular routes and, crucially, their outcomes. It highlights the top 10 most popular journeys for a selected period showing the numbers and percentages of calls that have travelled these routes with descriptions of each. It also displays the paths taken in an easy-to-follow graphical format - with lines of varying thicknesses representing paths of higher or lower call volumes.
SpeechStorm Customer Journeys also enables the business user to select a specific start point, end point, or module used to understand what happens up to that point, from that point forward, or all journeys involving that step. It also remembers customers who take a particular journey on one call so that companies can use that information to improve their experience the next time around.
By following the end-to-end path, for example, a business can see just how many people listened to their balances and then went on to pay bills, or how many, having been offered a special promotion at the start of a call, went on to upgrade later. Using this new-found insight, organizations can use SpeechStorm's built-in design, test, and one-click deployment capabilities to make callflows more responsive, more natural and more effective. Customer Journeys can guide a telecoms operation, for example, in re-arranging menu options so the most popular items are at the top level of the IVR, with added personalization helping callers to get where they want to go faster. It can also link steps in the process when appropriate.
Upgrading to the Fellini release and incorporating Customer Journeys into an existing SpeechStorm IVR implementation requires no changes to existing SpeechStorm applications. Customers simply enable Customer Journeys and its more detailed insight is immediately available.
"The initial reaction from customers and prospects that have seen Customer Journeys is: ‘Wow! This is what we've been crying out for!' For many of them, designing effective call flows has been a bit of a black art, so we're really excited to see how they adapt their IVRs based on a real understanding of end-to-end customer behavior," said SpeechStorm CEO and co-founder Oliver Lennon in a statement.
Fellini is available now for on-premises deployment and on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) basis.