  • May 21, 2020

Reputation.com Releases Reputation Score X, Feedback Anywhere, and Conversational Surveys

Reputation.com today introduced Reputation Score X, a tool that combines at-a-glance performance metrics with prescriptive analytics; Feedback Anywhere, an open platform integration layer that allows users to consolidate customer feedback from disparate data sources into one dashboard; and Conversational Surveys, an SMS-based survey tool that allows customers to provide in-the-moment feedback via personal mobile devices.

Reputation Score X is the evolution of Reputation Score, a benchmark metric that consolidates all feedback data to provide individual company results set against an industry score. By adding integrated data analytics and predictive recommendations, users can closely manage every touchpoint across the customer journey and act on prescriptive recommendations.

With Feedback Anywhere, users can now benefit from an open API layer that allows external data source uploads, such as survey results, directly into the platform to create one comprehensive and actionable view of customer feedback. Feedback Anywhere users can also leverage Reputation.com's analytics engine and apply it to all feedback channels, regardless of their point of origin, to create a consolidated view of data and customer responses.

With the Conversational Surveys tool, companies can survey their customers through a conversational user interface, SMS text message, and create touchpoints to help extend their reputation's reach.

"Some of the biggest brands in the world already use Reputation Score X and Feedback Anywhere to be where their customers are," said Reputation.com CEO Joe Fuca in a statement. "From social media to reviews to surveys, we make it easy to understand and respond to customer feedback."

"Our customer experience team is thrilled to be using Reputation Score X: it provides our employees with actionable insights based on the conversations they are having with our customers," said Marc Cannon, chief customer experience officer at AutoNation, in a statement. "Reputation Score X is the only true benchmark of what the customer is really thinking, and helps our employees consistently provide a better brand experience."

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