  • November 18, 2015

ReadyTalk Integrates with HubSpot

ReadyTalk, a provider of online conferencing and webinar services, today announced a closer integration with HubSpot, enabling companies to connect new data points on webinar attendees with their existing HubSpot lead profiles.

The integration enables webinar organizers and marketers to ask post-event survey questions and pull and analyze chat data on specific individuals. On a logistical level, the integration already enables webinar registration to take place through branded HubSpot landing pages, all HMTL email confirmations and reminders originate from HubSpot, and attendance status, duration, and specific poll responses are passed through to HubSpot. All data can also be pulled into concise reports or passed through to a CRM platform.

"We believe in empowering our customers via inherently available data to create more effective, authentic and informed interactions with their webinar attendees," said Beth Toeniskoetter, product strategist at ReadyTalk, in a statement. "This HubSpot integration is the next logical step to seamlessly providing that data to marketers where they're already working with future customers."

"ReadyTalk's new HubSpot integration capabilities and enhancements are an absolute lifesaver for me as an automation manager," said Sam Warren, marketing technologist at TraceGains, in a statement. "Adding the ability for ReadyTalk to push out chat data and post-event questions and responses is a no-brainer and saves me entire days of work."

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