  • March 6, 2015

PowerObjects Releases PowerWebForm Add-on for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and GoToWebinar

PowerObjects, a provider of technology add-ons for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, has released a new version of PowerWebForm, an add-on that pulls data from Web forms and writes it back to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

With the new enhancements, PowerWebForm can now be used to gather GoToWebinar registrations, automatically converting event attenddes into CRM contacts or leads.

PowerObjects developed the PowerWebForm add-on to capture Internet leads. The add-on allows users to create Web forms in Microsoft Dynamics CRM without previous coding knowledge. This includes the ability to customize forms to include text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down menus, and more.

PowerObjects developed the integration between PowerWebForm and GoToWebinar out of its own need. PowerObjects had been using GoToWebinar to host several webinars per month and had to manually export attendee data from GoToWebinar and import it into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. That, according to Dean Jones, CEO of PowerObjects, was a time-consuming exercise that slowed down the process of following up with event attendees.

Jones calls his company its "own best case study."

According to Jones, the integration allows the company to keep site visitors on its site, which he calls "important, from a marketing perspective."

Conversely, each time the company sent people to another site to complete their event registrations, that was a lost opportunity to engage the visitor with the company's own branded content, according to Jones.

Through the integration, when a registrant clicks on an event, he no longer has to go to a separate GoToWebinar registration page to sign-up. Instead he can fill out the Web form provided by PowerWebForm and the solution will push the registration information into the CRM system and  GoToMeeting.

Users can even define how a particular Web form maps into the CRM system. The user can set up matching rules to look for existing records or create new ones.

PowerWebForm is compatible with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015. A free 30-day trial is available on the PowerObjects Web site.

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