  • October 4, 2018

Movable Ink Extends Visual Experiences Across Email, Web, and Display

Movable Ink has expanded its visual experience platform to allow digital marketers to create unique and relevant visual experiences across email, web, and display ads. This move into new channels builds on Movable Ink's email marketing solutions.

With Movable Ink, digital marketers can free their data from silos to generate intelligent creative with millions of unique variations based on consumer context and behavior, third-party insights, and business logic. This intelligent creative is automatically generated in real time. The Movable Ink platform also ensures campaign creative adheres to brand guidelines and is optimized to maximize performance.

Key platform capabilities include the following:

  • Cross-Channel Visual Experiences, allowing users to orchestrate real-time, data-driven experiences with consistent visuals as consumers move across email, web, and display;
  • Progressive Profiles, allowing users to build known and unknown consumer profiles from interactions and poll results as consumers re-engage across email and web;
  • Behavioral Targeting, allowing users to leverage consumer profiles to target visual experiences based on past behavior;
  • Creative Optimization, allowing users to determine the top-performing creative and automatically select the winning visual experience; and
  • Reporting and Analytics.

"We live in a visual world where images connect, excite, and compel us. It's clear that visual is the language that moves people, and brands must respond with unique and relevant experiences that move seamlessly across channels and moments," said Vivek Sharma, CEO of Movable Ink, in a statement. "However, companies still rely on outdated processes and technologies not built for a visual world and teams that are siloed across channels. The Movable Ink platform solves this by enabling digital marketers to automatically generate unique, compelling, and individualized visual experiences at the moment of engagement across email, web, and display, fostering deeper relationships and brand loyalty with their consumers."

Movable Ink's platform complements and amplifies existing martech platforms such as ESPs, marketing clouds, CRM, and more and works seamlessly into any tech stack without disrupting current tools and workflows.

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