SMB and Mid-Market CRM > Viewpoints

Adoption of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology is essential to small and medium-sized businesses. Over time, more platforms and resources have become available to organizations of all sizes. Get in-depth analysis and advice and learn more about CRM for small and mid-sized businesses from CRM Magazine.

Overcoming Your Sales Team’s ‘Evolutionary’ Resistance to CRM

A new approach to change management is desperately needed to foster CRM adoption and empowerment for sales reps.

How to Empower Your Sales and Marketing Teams with CRM Tools in 2024

Salesforce and other top CRM platforms require proper integration with existing systems and continuous employee training to maximize efficiency, data analysis, personalized marketing, and sales/marketing collaboration.

The Key to Becoming a Recession-Resilient Startup

Paradoxically, recessions are often the times most ripe for opportunity. Industries are reflecting on what's working well, and what needs to change. And the business models that flounder often leave in their wake seismic market gaps just waiting to be closed.

4 Steps to Getting More Customer Referrals

Establishing a robust customer referral program that provides a seamless process for customers to easily share their experience is the key.

3 Ways SMBs Can Solve a Broken Lead Handoff Process

In today's world of digital selling, a broken lead handoff process between sales and marketing teams means missed opportunity and lost leads, but small and midsize businesses can take control and solve this challenge.

4 Things to Know When Entering the Expert Economy

Advances in technology have significantly lowered the barrier for people looking to leverage their knowledge and expertise to go into business for themselves.

What I Learned Designing a CRM from Scratch

If you're not careful, you can quickly end up with a mess on your hands.

Why ACH Is an Ideal Payments Choice for Modern Businesses

Inflation is causing companies to tighten their belts in traditional ways. But the way that they issue and receive payments can drastically reduce expenses.

Is It the End of the Cold Call?

Is cold calling a dated sales tactic, or does it just need a little extra heat?

Repairing Customer Relations Post-Supply Chain Crisis

The supply chain will stabilize but things won't be back to "normal." Customers want and need more from their suppliers, and they will flock to those who are providing the best communication and buying experience.

Customer Success: The Secret to Growth During Economic Uncertainty

The ability to grow now depends on having loyal customers—and not wasting time and money to find new clients during economic uncertainty. CS is the secret to unlocking this growth. Part one of a two-part series.

4 Tips to Align RevOps and Sales

To ensure good data hygiene, create a happier, more productive sales team, and increase revenue, organizations need to get revenue and sales teams to work together.

CRM and the Psychology of Relationships

Building customer trust and loyalty often boils down to one key thing.

Why You Need a 360-Degree Customer View

Brands that can maintain a 360-degree view of customers are able to thrive in the new data-driven climate and provide a superior customer experience.

The Real Truth About Partnering with Customers

What is it to partner with a customer? What does it require and what does it produce? These are increasingly vital questions to ask and answer in today's complex world and business environment.

5 Factors for Balancing Automation and the Human Touch for Superior CX

It's a question of balance: Navigating properly between automation and the human touch can create impactful customer experiences at scale.

6 Steps to Launching Your Customer Health Dashboard

Creating an effective customer health score and supporting dashboard is not a one-time project. It requires significant strategic planning behind the scenes and will need iteration as your company and customers change.

4 Best Practices for Knowing Your Customers as Well as They Know You

A decade of investment in customer engagement solutions has not paid off for most businesses. In fact, things have gone backwards. Here's why and how to fix it.

4 Tips for Using a Sales Process to Improve Your Wins

Salespeople often can't help changing up their sales process every time they engage with a client, but their results end up being unreliable and inconsistent. The answer to turning around fluctuating numbers is to adopt sales best practices that work.

Change Management for CRM Adoption: What You Need to Know

The success and failure of CRM initiatives largely hinge on how well you can handle change.