Channel Management > Viewpoints

Integrating marketing channel management into your CRM systems and processes can help your channel managers reach the largest possible audience and manage your supply chain most effectively. Explore the latest news, analysis, and advice on channel management.

Beyond the Quota: 5 Steps for Building an Effective Channel Sales Engine

Success comes down to establishing the right foundation for channel success and consistently showing value to both the partner and their customers.

3 Ways Companies Can Harness the Power of Millennials in Today’s Digital World

Although winning over Millennials may seem daunting, companies have the opportunity to experience major growth if they are able to effectively cater to this generation.

4 Big Sales Benefits of Channel Data Management

Across the globe, channel partners hold an estimated $1.5 trillion worth of unsold products at any given time. Getting timely, decision-grade channel data—including a clearer view of end customers—can uncover new ways to boost product sales, translating into millions of dollars in additional revenue.

Bringing Engagement Back to Customer Relationship Management

Traditional contact centers need to give way to omnichannel engagement centers. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

Combatting Overpayment in High-Tech Sales Programs

Six steps to address this costly challenge.

Take the Guesswork Out of Loyalty

Re-architect customers' journeys to deliver a unified brand experience.

4 Building Blocks for Improving Customer Service

Listening to customers' voices shouldn't stop when the sale is made.

Why You Need to Improve Your Gamification Strategy Now

Focus on collaboration, visibility, and recognition when building motivational campaigns.

The Value of E-Signatures

Going digital doesn't have to mean losing the personal touch.

The Case for Going Paperless

Increase productivity and please customers with document management software.

Tips for a Successful Channel Partner Relationship

Don't let poor execution give your competitors an advantage.

5 Reasons Your CRM Is Failing (and What You Can Do About It)

Don't let these common, but fixable, obstacles stand in the way of CRM success.

8 Elements to Delivering Delightful Customer Experiences

Multichannel customer journeys can make or break your business.

The State of B2B Self-Service in 2014

A TSIA survey reveals that a majority of respondents prefer self-service to other channels, but few are finding what they need. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

Making the Most of Shared Services Centers

Move beyond cost reduction to a strategic partnership.

Leverage Video to Empower a Field Work Force

Used correctly, this medium can pay off big for your business.

Is Your Web Site Delivering a Great Customer Experience?

15 tips for making sure it does.

Giving Quality Initiatives the Respect They Deserve

Why companies are missing the consumer experience boat.

What You Should Know Before Making a Professional Services Automation Decision

Professional services automation can improve project profitability by providing details about consulting engagements, including customer history. Here's how to get customer background and technical details at your fingertips. (Originally appeared on SmartCustomerService.com)

Meeting the Summer Sales Challenge

Engage employees with gamification.