  • July 22, 2016

Imperson Launches Imperson.ai for Chatbot Development

imperson has released imperson.ai, a platform for creating, testing, deploying, and managing conversational bots across Facebook Messenger, Skype, Kik, Slack, Twitter, Amazon Echo, SMS, and more. With Imperson.ai, companies can access a suite of professional tools for building conversational bots that have intent, relationship memory, personality, and natural learning capabilities.

With imperson.ai, companies can create and mange multiple conversational bots with unique personalities and iniatitives. Imperson.ai also provides in-depth metrics and real-time insights for optimizing the conversation experience and monitoring the number of conversations, average conversation length, average turns per conversation, number of reocurring users, user sentiments, hot topics, and keywords, from a central dashboard.

"We see enormous potential in the fast-growing bot market," said Erez Baum, co-founder and CEO of imperson, in a statement. "The current bot experience is still very primitive, with menu-driven experiences that don't allow brands to differentiate their voices from one another. The release of our new platform will enable creative people in brands and digital agencies to create richer and deeper bot experiences that can converse with consumers one-on-one to develop a more engaging relationship."

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