Forrester Adds Predictive Capability to FeedbackNow
Forrester today released FeedbackNow Predict, which adds predictive capability to its FeedbackNow solution to enable businesses to proactively anticipate customer experience (CX) issues before they occur.
Equipped with analytics, FeedbackNow Predict allows businesses to collect real-time CX feedback at the point of experience and integrate public and private real-time data, such as weather patterns, foot and road traffic, and staffing and inventory levels, into existing customer sentiment data. As a result, organizations can predict and mitigate potential incidents before they become customer experience issues. FeedbackNow's machine-learning capabilities provide a holistic view of organizations' operations, enabling businesses in industries such as retail, healthcare, and travel and hospitality to uncover connective and correlative incident patterns and address customer trigger points.
"One misstep or negative interaction with a brand can greatly affect customer loyalty," said Steven Peltzman, Forrester's chief business technology officer and leader of its FeedbackNow business, in a statement. "Processes like surveys help organizations improve their CX over the long term, but they don't allow organizations to help the customer they have today in their specific moment of need. FeedbackNow Predict brings businesses into the predictive CX era where existing technology, data, analytics, and machine learning can help them uncover trends that drive exceptional CX, since those trends can differ depending on time of day or geographic location. In today's highly competitive environment where every customer impression is a first impression, FeedbackNow Predict can help businesses preempt customer issues and deliver long-lasting positive experiences."
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