  • January 30, 2018

DialogTech Now Tracks Call Conversions in Bing

DialogTech, a provider of marketing analytics for inbound calls, now integrates with Bing Ads to enable companies to track and analyze call conversions within their Bing Ads accounts by connecting calls from Bing search ads at the campaign and keyword level.

"Bing search ads generate billions of calls to businesses each year, and now thanks to DialogTech, search marketers have attribution and intelligence for those calls and conversations," said Greg Goodman, senior director of partner strategy at DialogTech, in a statement. "By sending session and conversion data on calls directly into Bing Ads, DialogTech makes it easy for marketers to see exactly how to generate the biggest impact from their search budgets, both online and offline."

The new integration is part of DialogTech's larger solution for Bing Ads, which includes the following:

  • Complete Call Analytics: DialogTech captures complete, detailed analytics on every call from Bing, including who the caller is, his geographic location, the ad and keyword that drove the call, his website activity, the caller experience, and more.
  • AI-Driven Insights: Artificial intelligence and machine-learning technology analyzes the entire context of calls, including what was said, to identify intent, measure call outcomes, and uncover hidden insights.
  • Bid Management Integrations: DialogTech has built-in integrations with bid management solutions such as DoubleClick, Adobe Media Optimizer, Kenshoo, Marin, Acquisio, and IgnitionOne so they can be used to optimize for calls as well as online conversions.
  • Personalized Caller Experiences: Marketers can use data on the caller and what drove the call to set up rules in DialogTech to route callers right away to the right location or agent to convert them to customers.
  • Bing Data within DialogTech: Marketers can also send their Bing Ads data into DialogTech and visualize it in customizable marketing dashboards along with data from their DialogTech, AdWords, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and MailChimp accounts. They can then automate reports and alerts to ensure they hit key performance indicators.

The Bing integration furthers DialogTech's partnership with Microsoft, which also includes an integration with Microsoft Dynamics. DialogTech sends call intelligence data into Microsoft Dynamics in real time so sales agents answering calls know who is calling and why and marketers can see which tactics drive the most valuable calls.

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