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April 22, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

Consona Acquires SupportSoft's Enterprise Software Group

The deal -- valued at $20 million -- looks to help Consona extend its reach into target markets.

USPS Delivers a New Discount

Facing a drop in mailings and a poor economy, the United States Postal Service plans to implement a variable-price "Summer Sale" -- but only the largest mailers will benefit.

Can Marketers Afford Customer Centricity?

"What marketing really needs to be doing is driving business," says a CMO Council executive.


It’s the Experience, Stupid

And it's the one thing you need to get right.

Is Your Customer Base at Risk?

Protect your existing business, especially in tough times.


Market Focus -- Telecommunications: Bundled Offerings, Better Retention?

As service providers expand their combined multimedia packages, customer service requires attention.

Reality Check

First Steps Are Always Critical

The Journey of Implementation — Part 1: Before the design and deployment stages begin, planning is everything.