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January 14, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

VCG Launches Biometric Payments System

The new service offers biometrically authorized payments via phone, providing convenience and security.

Strategy Will Squash the Recession

A Forrester analyst reveals a five-part plan to deploy successful applications -- and to defy the downturn in the process.

Barnes and Noble Tops Customer Experience List

Only 11 percent of companies were considered "excellent" in Forrester's second annual Customer Experience Index (CxPi) Rankings.


Understanding Customers’ Digital Mood

Effectively managing customer experience online.


Stuffing the Ballot Box—With Complaints

Will the Election Day success of the CNN InfoVoter hotline change the game for governments and CRM?

Case Studies

Lead Sweet Lead

A Realtor discovers that as one door (fore)closes, another might not open.

Reality Check

Taming the Digital Client in 2009

Technology will pave the way to customer focus and cost-efficiency.