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November 10, 2008

CRM Featured Articles

Interwoven Weaves in Adaptive Targeting for Web Marketers

The content management provider looks to provide a more holistic Web marketing solution, according to company executives.

Social Technologies Can Save You!

Nuance Conversations '08: Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff rides the Groundswell once again.

Budgets Hold Steady (So Far), But Online Marketing Actually Expands

A focus on Web analytics and the ability to measure online marketing combine to counter the stress of a down economy.

Magazine Features

Who, What, Where, When, Y

The members of Generation Y are young, they're smart, and they're paving (if not paying) their own way. So who's following whom?


“One and Done” Marketing Should Be Over and Out

A multitouch, multimedia approach can multiply your marketing results.

Customer Centricity

A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Business continuity and disaster recovery are often overlooked.


Virtual Spenders

Personas, avatars, and social communities will drive spending in 10 years.