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February 16, 2009
CRM Featured Articles
SugarCRM Strives to Bring Clarity to the Cloud
04 Feb 2009
SugarCon '09: New CRM features, connectors, and learning programs were all on display this week.
SugarCRM Gets Touched by an Angel(.com)
04 Feb 2009
SugarCon '09:, an interactive voice response specialist, teams with the open-source CRM pioneer to phone-enable SugarCRM accounts.
Where's My Software Bailout?
05 Feb 2009
The recession drives at least one vendor, VPI, to introduce a pricing plan with a topical title: the Call Recording Technology Bailout Package.
Magazine Features
Hold Onto Your Customers!
01 Feb 2009
In a recession, making the most of the people and technology you already have—and maintaining the service they provide—should be your top priority.
Planning for Choppy Waters
11 Feb 2009
Service business strategies for rough economic climates.
That’s (Not) Entertainment
01 Feb 2009
Playboy and other entertainment companies make cuts—but hope to keep the brand alive.
Scouting Report
Contact Centers in the Web 2.0 World
01 Feb 2009
Web 2.0 technologies can support your customer service processes.