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July 13, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

SPSS Collects, Collaborates, and Deploys — All in the Name of Analytics

With new versions of PASW Data Collection and PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services, SPSS helps analysts and business users alike manage the voice of the customer.

The New Qualities of Trillium's Data Quality

The Harte-Hanks software division's Version 12 refreshes real-time validation capabilities, business-rules sharing, and dashboard interfaces.

Small Businesses Take On the Twittersphere

Inbound marketing vendor HubSpot offers a new social media monitoring solution and gives advice to small businesses toying with Twitter.


Don’t Crash at Critical Intersections of Customer Support

Cruise through with effective supply chain management.


Taking the Measure of Social Media

Experts insist that social media is measurable—it just depends on how you define your metrics.

Pint of View

A Revolution in Customer Centricity

It all started with sales tax.

Reality Check

CRM in the Palm of Your Hand

Three factors are combining to (finally) drive interest in mobile CRM.