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May 27, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

Genesys Launches Cross Channel Conversations

G-Force '09: The Alcatel-Lucent subsidiary unveils an initiative designed to eliminate the silos between different communication channels. Releases Spring Forward

In an attempt to "put the caller first," the vendor makes a priority of automated systems that are easier to use, more efficient, and more effective.

How Online Social Networking Explains Offline Social Behavior

International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media '09: Using the digital to explain the analog.


CRM Characteristics for the Midmarket

Smaller enterprises demand a different approach.

Pint of View

Your Savings Are My Services

Think about what you're giving off when you're giving in to pressure.

The Tipping Point

To SaaS or Not to SaaS?

That is the question. (The answer may surprise you.)