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March 23, 2009
CRM Featured Articles
Microsoft Focuses on Existing Customers
12 Mar 2009
Microsoft Convergence '09: A focus on people, process, and an integrated ecosystem is what's needed for businesses expecting to survive this turbulent economy.
Some of Tomorrow's Technologies Offer Benefits Today
12 Mar 2009
Gartner Wireless Summit '09: Other gee-whiz technologies may not be far behind.
Outsourcing in ‘09: Onshore, Offshore, and At Home
12 Mar 2009
Datamonitor examines the five key trends shaping the outsourcing market this year.
Magazine Features
Looking to Score
01 Mar 2009
Marketing gathers the leads; sales pursues them. It sounds simple. It isn't.
Who's on Your Team?
23 Mar 2009
Strong and weak ties reveal who your real partners are.
Required Reading: Barack Wants You
01 Mar 2009
A new book suggests that Barack Obama's presidential campaign—and his presidency—can teach the business world a thing or two about 2.0.