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April 29, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

Envision Sees Insight in Every Call

With the release of Centricity 9.7, Envision Telephony extends tagging capabilities to all its customers.

VPI Empowers Quality Management with Analytics

The company's latest release represents "a major step" forward for its contact center solutions, according to an industry pundit.

Can Cloud Computing Get "Army Strong"?

RightNow Technologies unveils high-security software-as-a-service capabilities compliant with the Department of Defense's standards.


Just a Chat Away

Deliver exceptional customer service through text.

Pint of View

We Reserve the Right to Screw Up Your Service

Service gaffes are part of life, but some of them are just astounding.

The Tipping Point

Your Customers Want You to Know Them

Consumers—at home and abroad—are demanding that companies address their needs.