  • December 11, 2017

Act-On Adds Adaptive Capabilities

Act-On Software has built new features into its product to support the future of engagement, including the availability of Adaptive Forms, Local Sending, and Transactional Sending.

With the latest release of Adaptive Forms, which is part of Act-On's larger vision for Adaptive Journeys, marketers can create surveys and forms that can be individualized and adapt to their buyers. Progressive profiling helps gather more and better lead intelligence over time, while responsive design ensures that all forms are optimized for device viewing preferences (mobile/desktop/tablet) and adaptive fields help build conditional rules that can show or hide questions based on previous responses or activity.

With the availability of Transactional Sending, Act-On customers can now leverage operational-based email capabilities to further drive individualized engagement and ensure that shareholder reports, financial statements, system updates, purchase confirmations, cart abandonment follow-up or other important communications make it to customers' inboxes.

Act-On's new Local Sending module will support updated data residency processes and protocols as part of the European Union's pending General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), ensuring that all customer data is stored and communications sent from Act-On's AWS-powered servers in Ireland.

"As marketers, we are constantly looking for ways to improve on what we've done, new methods to optimize what we are already doing, and opportunities to be more effective and efficient in our work," said Michelle Huff, chief marketing officer at Act-On Software, in a statement. "At Act-On, we are marketers building technology for other marketers, so we experience the same challenges as our customers, which means we can build and solve for those pains a lot quicker and bring to market modules that will drastically improve the way they engage and communicate with their buyers."

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