November 2006
Magazine Features
Introduction to Generation Nation: Table of Contents
Alison Lowander //
01 Nov 2006
Generation Nation '06: This special issue presents an overview of population trends for consumer strategists that divides America into a nation of generations.
Y Me
Jessica Sebor //
01 Nov 2006
Members of Generation Y were the first to mature in a media-saturated, tech-savvy world--here's how to blow past the buzz and get the brand into their brains.
X Ways
Marshall Lager //
01 Nov 2006
Generation X's consumer identity isn't easy to pin down, but a large aspect of successful selling to this crowd involves clarity, honesty, and open communication.
Wild & Crazy
Colin Beasty //
01 Nov 2006
Companies see green in this graying generation's attitudes and outlook on life.
Elder Effect
Coreen Bailor //
01 Nov 2006
Consumers in their mid-60s and older are marketing's underserved age bracket, and campaigns usually miss the mark with this generation. Read on for tips on how to fix these efforts' misfires.
Front Office
The Growing Consumer Disloyalty
David Myron //
01 Nov 2006
There isn't much difference across generations when it comes to consumer loyalty.
Reality Check
Above the Sales Funnel
Jim Dickie //
01 Nov 2006
Increasing sales performance demands that lead generation optimization be top of mind.
Customer Centricity
Try to Dig What We All Say
Paul Greenberg //
01 Nov 2006
It's time for marketers to understand how social networking sites cater to every generation.
The Tipping Point
Monetizing Media
Jeffrey Schumacher //
01 Nov 2006
Retailers can leverage brand assets and CRM capabilities to build a winning media business.
Pint of View
CRM Around the World, Take Two
Marshall Lager //
01 Nov 2006
Our plot to warp people's minds is working--here's proof.
Will DVR Kill the TV Adsters?
Jessica Sebor //
01 Nov 2006
Television marketing must realize a choice for its future: cope or fight.
The Ring Dynasty: China's Contact Center Market Intensifies
Coreen Bailor //
01 Nov 2006
The country's vast population and growing economy are just two of the reasons for the expected uptake.
Climbing the MDM Ladder
Colin Beasty //
01 Nov 2006
Enterprises must walk up the new rungs of MDM and CDI solutions to remain competitive.
Market Focus: High Tech: Completing the Circuit
Marshall Lager //
01 Nov 2006
Complex gear requires business processes to match.
Statistically Speaking
01 Nov 2006
Required Reading: What's Your Competitive Advantage?
Colin Beasty //
01 Nov 2006
Companies are failing to identify it.
The Pulse: Does your contact center measure customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, neither, or both?
01 Nov 2006
Curbing PC Downtime
Coreen Bailor //
01 Nov 2006
Ardence centralizes a cable outlet with app streaming.
A Chilean Telecom's Poetic ROI
Jessica Sebor //
01 Nov 2006
Unica helps to streamline campaigns and manage a burgeoning customer base for VTR GlobalCom in the land of poets.
Speech Recognition Leads to R&R
Coreen Bailor //
01 Nov 2006
Fluency Voice Technology helps a travel services company provide its customers with more communication choice.
Global Industrial Revamps Its Catalog
Marshall Lager //
01 Nov 2006
The "idea of integration" becomes real for a company struggling with a virtually obsolete order management system.
Secret of My Success: This Old CRM
Tim Musch, founder and director of business development at MarketSharp, as told to Colin Beasty //
01 Nov 2006
Citrix's GoToWebinar rebuilds a home improvement firm's customer-training capabilities.
Tech Solution: Email Management Tools
Colin Beasty //
01 Nov 2006
Business Problem: Poor email response times lead to increased numbers of phone calls to the contact center.