CRM Cover

July 2012

Magazine Features

Listening to the Voice of the Constituent

A snapshot of the ways government agencies are using CRM strategies and technology today.

Listening to the Voice of the Customer

As companies adopt voice of the customer solutions, customers expect them to act on their feedback.

Solve the Master Data Management Equation

Offering personalized and rewarding service requires up-to-date and accurate data shared across the enterprise.

Front Office

CRM Moves to an Outside-In Approach

Reality Check

The New IP: A Big Data Hierarchy

All data may not be equal, but it may be equally important.

The Tipping Point

Social Media Belongs in the Contact Center

When marketing works with customer service, customers and enterprise benefit

Scouting Report

In Contact Centers, WFO's Star Is on the Rise

A host of innovations are adding new dimensions.

Pint of View

Kickstart Your Business

Seeking venture capital has become a little easier.

Customer Experience

The Challenges of Global CRM

Doing business in multiple countries adds new challenges to social implementations.

Small Biz Buzz

SMBs Take to the Cloud

2012 holds great potential as a breakout year for CRM.


Brainstorming Your Way to Sales Growth

Successful sales leaders share their best tips.

Catching up with Your Customers

Restaurants struggle to reach their increasingly tech-savvy customers.

Customer Service Climbs Firms' Priority Lists

Mobile and online experiences also seen as key business objectives in the immediate future.

Fewer than 1 in 7 B2B Customer Relationships Are Optimal

Gallup study find the need for a shift from price-focused strategy to one of customer engagement.

For Social Success, Build a Business Use Case

Companies that fail at measuring ROI say it's too hard, too early, or they weren't asked.


Aquasana Dives Into Social Intelligence

NetBase helps the water filter company gain insight into its customers' needs.

Juniper Networks Adds Value to Customer References

Metia Enterprise Reference Manager helps streamline efforts and empower the sales team.

Service to Sing About

Wren Solutions streamlines internal support and eliminates duplication with TeamSupport.

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